Sometimes life should be simple and cute! :]

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pumpkin Cake Pops

Thanks to my wonderful friend Maggie Habros....I learned to make cake pops. I decided to do pumpkins for the holiday :) Here is how.

First of all you need Cake mix, frosting, cake sticks and candy melts
Bake the cake, let cool and then crumble into a bowl :)
Next take your frosting and mix in with cake. (You will probably need your hands)
After, create golf ball size cake balls
Dip sticks in candy melts and place in balls, and then freeze!!
Once frozen a bit, dip cake pops into candy melts. I just placed in the chocolate and spooned the candy onto the ball.
After the candy has hardened you can do whatever you like
I drew on pumpkin faces
I created a pumpkin patch to place the pumpkins in. It was a different presentation and a better way to transport them. 

Enjoy :]

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Baby Mobile !!

Im so happy to say I finally finished my hand sewn baby mobile. This thing to me FOREVER! :] Hopefully one day I can have a enchanted forest nursery! 

Baby owls :]

a'hoy matey! Cardboard treasure chest!


This year Tyler and I are dressing up as pirates and thought it would be fun to make some decorations. Well if you haven't been shopping lately...decorations are expensive! So we decided to make a treasure chest using cardboard, some plank wood and ribbon! 

                                       First we cut a box down to the size we wanted
Next, we cut to half circle shapes, this is what your lid sits on

Attach the lid, we used hot glue :]
I cut 3 strips of ribbon, and 3 plank wood strips to put on my box
I added a dot of hot glue on them to give them that pop up look when i spray painted

Next, I spray painted my chest brown, and my embellishments gold
I hot glued the ribbon and wood to the box and added some cheap jewelry for "treasure"


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Everybody has a favorite Disney Princess!

I saw this on the web a while back, and could NOT find any tutorials on how to make these cute things out of ribbon. I just tried to make it myself...and think its adorable. This is Cinderella. You can make her into a hair clip, a pin, on a headband...anything you wish. Cute christmas presents for the little ones I say. Next I'm going to try and tackle Belle. 


Homemade doggy costumes and snacks! Its spooktacular!

I thought of a fun way to eat "healthy" on Halloween. I wanted to pack a candy bar in my husbands lunch box, but instead packed the hubby a healthier treat...since he is fruit lover. 

These are the cutie sized oranges...and since you normally dont eat the peel  I just drew pumpkin faces on with a sharpie marker. 

Halloween is such a fun time of year to dress up and be whoever we want and to have fun and over load on my favorite part....CANDY! I made three halloween costumes for the puppies. You can obviously tell I need a poor dogs. 

                                       Charlie as Superpup, Ernie as Batdog

Cody as "Simba" 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Puppies need some holiday love too!!

I get uber excited when pumpkin spice comes back to Starbucks...and why shouldn't the furbabies get to experience some pumpkin goodness when Thanksgiving rolls around. Below is a fantastic and healthy pumpkin biscuit recipe that is sure to please those little four legged puppies you love so much! ;]

                         What you will need to make pumpkin biscuits          
                                                 1/2 cup canned pumpkin
                                                            2 eggs
                                                2 tablespoons dry milk
                                                1/4 teaspoon sea salt
                                            2 1/2 cups brown rice flour *
                                       1 teaspoon dried parsley (optional)
Preheat oven to 350.
In large bowl, whisk together eggs and pumpkin to smooth. Stir in dry milk, sea salt, and dried parsley (if using, optional). Add brown rice flour gradually, combining with spatula or hands to form a stiff, dry dough. Turn out onto lightly floured surface (can use the brown rice flour) and if dough is still rough, briefly knead and press to combine.
Roll dough to be about 1/4-1/2 inch and cut out shapes using cookie cutters! Place on baking sheet and cook for 20 mins, remove from oven, flip treats and cook for another 20 mins. Lets treats cool completely before feeding those sweet little poochies! 
Hope they enjoy!! <3