Sometimes life should be simple and cute! :]

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pumpkin Cake Pops

Thanks to my wonderful friend Maggie Habros....I learned to make cake pops. I decided to do pumpkins for the holiday :) Here is how.

First of all you need Cake mix, frosting, cake sticks and candy melts
Bake the cake, let cool and then crumble into a bowl :)
Next take your frosting and mix in with cake. (You will probably need your hands)
After, create golf ball size cake balls
Dip sticks in candy melts and place in balls, and then freeze!!
Once frozen a bit, dip cake pops into candy melts. I just placed in the chocolate and spooned the candy onto the ball.
After the candy has hardened you can do whatever you like
I drew on pumpkin faces
I created a pumpkin patch to place the pumpkins in. It was a different presentation and a better way to transport them. 

Enjoy :]

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