Sometimes life should be simple and cute! :]

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Homemade doggy costumes and snacks! Its spooktacular!

I thought of a fun way to eat "healthy" on Halloween. I wanted to pack a candy bar in my husbands lunch box, but instead packed the hubby a healthier treat...since he is fruit lover. 

These are the cutie sized oranges...and since you normally dont eat the peel  I just drew pumpkin faces on with a sharpie marker. 

Halloween is such a fun time of year to dress up and be whoever we want and to have fun and over load on my favorite part....CANDY! I made three halloween costumes for the puppies. You can obviously tell I need a poor dogs. 

                                       Charlie as Superpup, Ernie as Batdog

Cody as "Simba" 

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